Monday, August 14, 2006

How many jars?

In our efforts to prepare for our move into full-time ministry Shannon and I have been taking bible classes through End Time Glory Ministries bible school. Tonight, as we are in the midst of studying History of Israel and the diferent kings of the divided monarchy, we are also learning about Elisha's propethic ministry. One story we discussed this evening was the increase of the widow's oil. She and her sons were told to go out and gather as many pots and jars as they could from friends and neighbors and to begin pouring the bit of oil from thier jar into them. Every single jar they had collected was filled by the multiplied oil and I believe if they had collected more jars those too would have been filled. The number of jars that she and her sons collected was representive of the amount of faith they had. Another example of big faith occurs in the book I've talked about earlier, Always Enough. Rolland and Heidi Bakker have not once, ever turned an orphan away from thier doors and God has always provided for all of them. We so much want to have a tremendous faith that always knows and trusts for God's provision like that. We can't help but wonder how many jars we would have collected. We hate the thought that we might be minimizing God's miracles through our little faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine, I would like to be doing the same thing you and your family are. My husband has no interesrt so I will go by prayer instead. I will be praying for you and family.In Jesus name,