Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Very Busy but Proud Mommy

I know "pride goeth before a fall" but it is ok for a mom to be proud of her kids at times, isn't it? Tis the season for busyness and having children adds to the activity level. In the past week---
-Collin has been a shepherd at our Nights of Music at church for three performances, a dad in a skit with the children's pastor in kid's church and sang a beautiful solo in his school choir Christmas concert in his rich, low, bass voice. Many of us were surprised at how low he can sing at his age.
-Molly performed in Kid's church as a part of the "stix" ministry. In stix the performers use white dowel type sticks to act out a song. It is a really neat performance. She was also in a kids choir performance for two church services where they sang several songs to the congregation.
-Evan was involved in the puppet show during kid's church. His puppet was one of the kings and had blue hair and an orange face. The puppets "sang" A King is Born. It was very cute. He was in the kids choir performance for two services along with Molly. He also rang bells for the Salvation Army at the mall one evening with his church group.
-Star had a part and sang in her school Christmas program. She spoke her lines as clearly as any of the kids and did very well. She was also in the same kids choir performance with Molly and Evan at church twice.
-Brandon was tremendously busy at his group home where he goes each weekend. He went bowling, saw the Santa semi, and visited the YMCA to play basketball twice. The school as well as us noticed that he was tired early this week as he rcovered from the activity level there.
-I was in the choir at our church singing in three performances of the Nights of Music. This year we are doing the play, The Christmas Shoes and we are already hearing testimonies of how it is affecting people's lives. Each night we have had a full house of well over 1,000 in attendance with people sitting in the aisles and stairways. It has been tremendously fun and I find it a real honor to perform for my Lord.
-Shannon, well he has been working full-time+ as normal and beeen driving to and from all of these things every evening except one this past week.
-It looks like next week will be busy too as Collin and I have 4 more Nights of Music performances, our family has a choir dinner to attend, Shannon's parents are finishing up their business auction on Friday and there are a few other things to wrap up(no pun intended) before Christmas.

I am nearly done with our Christmas shopping but have a couple of online orders to place today. Most of the presents are wrapped and under the tree and the shaking, squeezing and attempts at peeking have begun.

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