Saturday, January 27, 2007

Heart changes

We are still in a holding pattern on things with Tanzania. I think both of us find ourselves becoming discouraged at times and yet we are well aware that God is working things out in His perfect time.

We know that part of God's plans include much more preparation of our hearts and minds for what is to come. Over the past few days I have been thinking about the things God is doing in me. I remember when this all first came about...I put conditions on us moving to Tanzania. Some conditions were really stupid and others much more meaningful but either way, they were conditions. Things like, I'll go but let us keep our home in case we come back, or I'll go but it has to be with all 5 children as I won't leave any behind. Then, I'll go and I'll leave Brandon here in a group home but it has to happen before a certain date because I don't want to move the other kids over there as they get older.

God doesn't work that way and I can look back now and see what God has done in me regarding those. I am finally at a point where I can see that I have removed the conditions and just told God that I will go, whenever He wants us. If it is this summer or next fall(doubtful) or not until 2008(likely) or even after some of the children are grown and moved out(unlikely), I am willing to go.

Please continue to pray for us and the ministry as God works in our hearts and minds and prepares the way for all that needs to happen .

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