Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Current Happenings

I never meant for the blog to become a wordless Wednesday one only and I apologize for being so wordless... except on Wednesdays. The first couple of weeks each month are busy for me with the one job and with it also being harvest I have also been carrying mail nearly every day for a couple weeks as well. Add in homeschooling and all of the other daily tasks and I stay pretty busy.

This weekend brings the next End Time Glory Conference. You can find out more here. We would love to see you there if you can join us for any part of it. It is always a great time of praise and worship, good teachings, fellowship, miracles and prophecy.

Last night we hosted a visitor, James, a good friend of ours. James is originally from the Willmar area and is currently living in Washington state. We hadn't seen him for 6 years but we were able to talk with him like he hadn't been gone. We spent a lot of time with him, early after our salvations, in bible study and prayer. James traveled to Uganda last year at about the same time Shannon was in Tanzania. We all wish we had more time to visit than just one evening but with him in the area for only a week and a lot of people to visit we were so glad to see him.

Collin was recently chosen to be in the church's Nights of Music. He will be playing the part of Ben, the oldest child in large family at the turn of the century. The commitment level is large with rehearsals for 6 weeks and 7 performances in early December but with myself in the choir and going anyway, he will just ride with me. There's not too much extra running involved.

I've been doing a Beth Moore bible study and have gotten a lot out of it. We are studying the life and ministry of Paul in her To Live is Christ study. It is one of her older studies but still a great one.

I'm going to go find a picture to share with you and get that "Wordless Wednesday post done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across this blog page while i was searching through the internet for current happenings and news about Africa and I must say that I am greatly impressed by what you are doing.
It is really rare to find people with such a large heart for the destitutes and orphans in Africa. Service to humanity is the greatest and most rewarding work of life.Although, it might not be financially rewarding but you can imagine the joy it brings when you put a smile or help brighten the life of some poor children in Africa.
I detest religion as it is being practised in the world today. I crave for a religion that would apreciate the uniqueness of every human race and colour and equality of all irrespective of sex physiological and sociological differences. I long for a time when the man next door would realised that the man that is dying in distant lands of want and hunger is also a brother and a neigbour!
God Bless you.

Kingsley keke
west Africa