Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Adjusting My Sails

And here it is, 2017. My blog was originally started in 2006 as our family was feeling led to move in ministry to East Africa to work with orphans and widows. I haven't written on the blog since 2010 when Shannon and I began to realize that God's intentions for us were to not move there, at that time and under that particular ministry. I was uncertain how to explain to everyone how something that we had been so absolutely certain of, was something that had, over time and through certain circumstances, became something we could be so uncertain about. So, since I couldn't fully understand it myself, or explain it to my readers, I found it easier to just "abandon" my blog.

 And now, it is over 7 years later, and I am realizing the desire and need to be writing again. I have found over the years, that I do much processing of my thoughts and feelings while writing and it serves a good purpose in me. In addition, I have been told by some, that I have a gift of conveying those thoughts in a way that can be helpful to others as well. So, I am back.

A lot has changed in those 6 years. My children are grown and I have grandchildren now. I have gone to college and entered a new career, some friendships have faded while others have blossomed. And my relationship with Christ is different as well. Stronger, more certain, more important, just, more. 

Will I one day be involved in full time ministry, or for that matter, be doing it overseas? That is something only God knows but I do know this, I am willing to do what He asks and follow where He leads and I will continue to watch for Him and listen for Him and pray that I do not miss His calls. In the meantime, I will continue to navigate this crazy life He has given me to the best of my ability and I will try to do it in a way that draws others to Him while I do it.

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