Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yet another graduation!

I told you May has been a crazy month for our family. Tonight, Collin "graduates" from the 8th grade at the area Christian school. There are just under 20 in his class. The class colors are pink and lime green-at their choice. Yesterday I bought a new zip neck tie for Collin to wear tonight. We love zip ties at our house. If you haven't seen one, they have a zipper on them so that you put it around your neck then zip it to tighten it. No struggling to tie the tie. Anyway, he looked in the bag and told me I should've bought a pink or lime green one. So off we went, back to the store looking for a pink or lime green tie. After visiting 5 stores, some of them more than once, we had a brand new light green shirt and solid pink tie to go with it. It's not a zip tie so we will need to work on that.

I was up past midnight last night putting together the photo collage on poster board for his display table. There is nothing like waiting until the last minute and I'm glad I was able to set such a good example for my son to follow. Ha!

The incredibly crazy and busy month of May is over tonight. Then we move into June. I have a lot of work lined up with my new job-I guess the regional office nearly doubled my case load in June. Hopefully we can get some money set aside to do a mini family vacation this summer.

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