Monday, January 14, 2008

It was a great weekend

We are getting back into our regular routine now after a three day Glory Conference with the ministry. The speakers were anointed, the praise and worship was, as always, amazing and there was personal prophecy given to many. Our family enjoyed our time as we served in several ways. Shannon, Collin and I helped with the screens for the words to the songs. Collin and M helped with serving the banquet Saturday noon and all of us helped with the clean up afterwards. I think I hand washed more silverware that afternoon than I have in the previous 10 years! Thankfully the plates and cups were all disposable. Then afterwards, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming and preparing the building for church services the next day was the grand finale and we had fun working with others to get that done.

I was proud of our children as they so willingly pitched in wherever they could and we received several positive comments about them. I feel so very fortunate that our kids are getting it-understanding how to serve and realizing the value and privilege in being a part of God's work.

Last Tuesday evening, the orphanage committee meeting went well as we all explored topics that need to be researched. We all realize we have a huge job ahead of as we pull together this new branch of End Time Glory Ministries. At the end of the meeting as the group prayed, one of the members thanked the Lord for our family and our willingness to serve. I cried as I truly feel so incredibly honored that God wants to use us in this way. It isn't a willingness on our part but rather a feeling of incredible awe(fear and trembling) and a complete inability to say no to God. I wish there was a way to help more people understand that this isn't a choice for us. We are positive that God has asked us to do this and there is no way we could ever say no to Him.

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