Monday, January 28, 2008

Molly's Doctrine Class

Beginning a couple of weeks ago, Molly has been attending Doctrine Class at our church. We attend an Assembly of God church and there are 16 different statements of faith that she will be learning. Each week, she will learn about a new statement including a bible verse to go with it. She will also be expected to know the Lord's Prayer(she knew that already), the Apostle's Creed(already done), be able to recite the Statements of Faith and explain what each one means as well as write a paper about her Christian Faith and personal testimony. At the end of the 19 weeks there is also a written test on all of the information.

The best part about this is that I will be assisting in the classroom, listening to memory work and helping the children learn. So far I am really enjoying it. I went through confirmation in the Lutheran church at about this same age. I was taught a lot but so much of it I think went over my head and of course, unfortunately, there is also some disinterest at that age.

Shannon and I have decided that the blog would be a great place for me to write about what Molly and I are learning. This way our readers will understand a bit more about who we are and what we believe. Understanding who we are, and where we are coming from is an important goal of our blog. I would like to have a new post for each individual Statement. I have a few weeks to catch up on and will try to get them written this week so stay tuned. First up, listing the 16 Statements of Faith in one post.

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