I'm sorry I missed yesterday. Single parenting 5 and working two part-time jobs and homeschooling a couple is getting the best of me. It's been a busy week plus!
The team arrived back in Mwanza safely on Wednesday evening. They were very tired and went to their rooms early, leaving Shannon alone yet again, so we IMed for awhile. At $2 per hour to use the hotel computer it is a relative bargain.
It sounds like the team had great things happen at the island. You may remember me writing of
Pastor James, the former witch doctor last year. When a witch doctor receives salvation it literally affects the entire village. Pastor James found Jesus quite a few years ago now. The wonderful news is that this week, through the ministry of the team and the work of Christ on the cross, Pastor James' mother-in-law, now also a former witch doctor, has a home in heaven waiting for her! She has repented of her past and asked for Christ to enter her life! Please pray that she is able to stay with her decision and get into the word of God and receive the teachings she needs.
On Thursday the team all rode out to some land they were looking at for the ministry. It is 17 miles from Mwanza and was expected to be 25 acres. However, after a 40 minute drive to the property, Shannon and Michael stepped it off and determined it to be closer to 8 acres. I think it is possible there is a bit of a cultural issue here as land over there may not be measured the same way. Shannon did not sound sure that this is the right property for the ministry.
On Monday Rev. Debra will be meeting with some government officials to talk further with them of our vision. It sounds like they are favorable to the idea and want to hear more.
The next few days will be spent doing a Pastors and Leaders conference in the mornings and open air crusades in the evenings. On Sunday, Rev Debra will be preaching in Pastor Richard's church. I remember attending their service when I was there 3 years ago. These people love to worship God and sing and dance all the while. It will likely be our home church once we move over there and the people of the church love having us with them. I wish I could join them this Sunday.
Please remain in prayer about the land, the government officials and the rest that needs to begin to come together. Shannon, Michael and Rev Debra are thinking that they want us to move over there before the property is bought. Part of the problem with purchasing is the time it takes. It would give our family a chance to settle in before beginning the business of building and running the children's home as well as time to work on the radio station end of things. Sometimes it feels as if the move is somewhere out in time and when I realize how close it actually could be it gives me goose bumps of nervousness and excitement at the same time.