Monday, March 19, 2007

Busyness and a Meeting Place with God

Whew! It has been a busy couple of weeks! We have finished all of the drywalling in the basement. Shannon has primed all of the walls and painted the ones we have paint for. The linoleum is down in several rooms. Then last Monday friends of ours arrived from Oklahoma. Becky and I became friends while they lived in our area after meeting at a local breastfeeding group. Her husband was transferred to Oklahoma 8 years ago. 5 years ago, myself and three kids drove down there to visit for a few days. When Becky, her husband and their three daughters arrived last week, we hadn't seen any of them since then. We all got along great and the kids all enjoyed each others company. There were tears on both sides of the van windows as they drove away. I also have been working nearly every day for the past week on my part-time mail route.

Then last Friday, I left for a 3 day get-away to Camp Lebanon near Upsala where I met my mom, my sister, and one of my aunts for a quilt retreat. Here are the results of 3 days of work.
This is my 6th quilt, my first with triangles. I have decided I don't want to work with triangles again in the near future. Matching all of the points was difficult for me. The outside border on the front of the quilt and the entire back is an African animal print I fell in love with. All of the rest of my 16 fabrics were chosen based upon the colors in it. The retreat was good and although I worked hard on the quilt as I am always determined to bring home a finished quilt top, and got very little sleep, about 16 hours in 3 nights, I feel rejuvenated and refreshed. The camp is a great "meeting place with God" as it says on their sign.

Shannon and the kids did fine without me and stayed busy but were glad to have me home. I am always grateful that Shannon is able to hold down the fort so well while I am away. He appreciates the need for a mommy to get away once in awhile. As tired as I am right now and after 3 days of being cooked for, it is hard to get back into the routine so tonight we are having frozen pizza for supper. Shannon found a quote over the weekend I wanted to share with you here.

"God doesn't call the prepared, He prepares the called." -Linda Seaman

We continue to become more prepared in many ways in our lives, especially over the past couple of months. Pray for us as He continues deepen our family's faith in Him.


Qtpies7 said...

The quilt is beautiful! And I have always loved that quote!
I am trying to reach you by phone and email, I have to ask you a question urgently. Please give me a call if I don't reach you before you get this.

Lisa Weiler said...

Christine, My sister and I had a nice visit last night, and she was telling me about their visit from OK, to see you. Yes, my sister is Becky. She knows how I love to quilt, and told me about the quilt you made at a retreat last weekend. I told her I wanted to see it. I love it!!! I will have to try one like it. You are so lucky to still have your Mom and to be able to share this time with her. I had just gone to a quilt retreat the weekend before. It was just one night. We meet at Crooked Creek Christian Camp, Washington, IA We had JoAnn Belling for a teacher.

I started quilting the fall after mom died, 2004. I joined the local quilt guild and am now the Treasurer this year. I have learned so many things, and thirst for more knowledge. Mom had taught all of us girls to sew, so I have been sewing since 4th grade, but had never quilted until after Mom was gone.

Mom had started the Piecemakers Quilt Group at church ten years before her death. They made quilts to be sent to Lutheran World Relief, and from there, sent to where they were needed through out the world. After mom died, a retired teacher took over the group and this last fall, I started an evening group at church for us younger women who work during the day. We have made about 14 since fall. Of course these are just tied, and machine bound, not quilted.

I look forward to taking more time to read the rest of your blog. Lisa