Monday, March 05, 2007

Insects and other wild things in Africa

We are on the mailing lists of several other missionary couples. I wanted to share a portion of one we just received from Charles and Tahnya Porter, missionaries with the Assemblies of God, who are currently located in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. They arrived there just a couple of months ago and are currently attending language school.

Our little corner of Africa is teaming with life. We haven't seen much of the larger creatures, (though a friend saw a cobra near our rooms. The gardener says he killed him), but everywhere you look you see life. Tiny ants appear out of nowhere to carry off condensation from our glasses. Beetles and cockroaches the size of small mountains clamber around, and I saw a preying mantis the size of my forearm the other night. One morning we awoke to see large black hook-billed birds that have a splash of red plumage walking through the grounds.
With our return to Africa, we have been struck once again with the enormity of the task. Water shortages, AIDS, malaria and other diseases, rampant poverty, and corruption could cause one to despair. But I still believe in a future for Africa.

Fortunately, most in our family do not have issues with insects, even ones the size of our forearms, unless they are poisonous. It is the cobra that scares me. None of us are very crazy about snakes. When Shannon was there last fall, he saw a dead two-headed snake. Alex described it as a snake with two heads that is very poisonous and there is no anti-venom for. However, it doesn't bite humans as it moves too slow. Dar Es Salaam does have a much different climate than Mwanza as it is located on the coast. We will need to do more research on the creatures of Mwanza before moving there so we are aware of what to watch for.

"God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:25

Oh, and a PS-Over the long weekend, due to snow days, we were able to get Molly's room completely emptied, pull up the carpet, dry everything out and reinstall the carpet and get everything put back in again. There is more than one way to get a room clean. She is happy to have her room back and we are all glad the damage was minimal.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Not a snake fan AT ALL! I heard someone once say, "the Lord won't take you where the Lord won't keep you." He is so much bigger than those slippery creepy crwlies! You will always been in my prayers!

Glad to hear your dd's room is better! You have such a great attitude!
