Thursday, March 29, 2007

It had to happen eventually

Well, I knew it had to happen eventually. As missionaries to be, both Shannon and I knew that one day we would have to start speaking. We will need to go around to area churches and try to find financial supporters of our family so that we can do what God has called us to do. There is no way for us to hold a job while doing all that God has planned for us in the ministry and jobs aren't real easy to come by in Tanzania anyway. Neither of us likes to speak much. Sure, I love to talk...but in front of a group of others?

Anyway, just last week I received my first phone call for a speaking commitment. The call came in from Shannon's cousin, Lisa, asking if I would be willing to speak at a women's retreat at their church this weekend. Not only was I not anxious to speak when she called, but the church is over 2 hours away from us. That wouldn't bother me near as much if we hadn't just had three crazy busy weeks and two even busier weekends in a row. My original instinct was to say no but Shannon kept mouthing to me, while I was on the phone with her, to think on it. I told her I would with the intention of calling her back the next day and telling her no. After getting off the phone, Shannon really encouraged me to do this. He knows as well as I, that this is an area we are moving into. I just wanted it to be him more than me. LOL.

The next morning, as I was thinking about calling Lisa to tell her no, a great title came to mind for my talk and as I thought a bit more, the props came to mind. Lisa had asked me to share my testimony and how we had gotten to this point in our lives, the point of knowing we are called into missions and to be willing to go. The way my talk just poured into my mind, I knew it came from the Holy Spirit. As I talked with Shannon about it, I had to admit to him that this was something God wanted me to do whether I felt ready or not. After all, Moses could not speak either but God took care of that in assigning Aaron as his assistant and giving him the words to say. I felt very strongly that God was just wanting me to yield to His will against my own. Although I knew on Wednesday I would be speaking, it took me until Friday to call her back and actually make the commitment.

So, tomorrow I head off to my first speaking engagement. This will be the first "speech" I have given since the 8th grade and I am a bit freaked out by it all but I know that just like Moses, my God will be with me, giving me the words to speak and encouraging me every step of the way.

"The Lord said to him (Moses), 'Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." Exodus 4:11-12


Renee said...

SO PROUD of you!!!

I will be praying for you! God is going to speak through you!


Qtpies7 said...

I'm sorry I hesitated in calling you! I wasn't sure it was a prompting from the Spirit or just me. But you kept coming to mind, and I had to call and find out!