Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Breast cancer

Please pray for my mom, Sharon. She was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. I am hopeful as I know that surviving breast cancer is much more common than dying of it and hers was discovered early on. I am concerned though because my mom has fibromyalgia as well and this will aggravate her condition. Please also pray for my dad, John and the rest of the family.


Anonymous said...

We will pray for your Mom, Sharon. My Mom also had breast cancer and has been cancer free for 14 years now. God is Good and God is able. We will also pray that the fibromyalgia goes into remission and does not flare up during this time. Blessings to your entire family.


Mink*e said...

You can count on it. We are praying for all of you.

yofed said...

I will pray for her. I don't know if my prayers will make any difference, but that's the best I can do. And I also send you a big hug! :)

Christine said...

Of course your prayers will make a difference. God hears all of our prayers. How he chooses to answer them is what we do not know.
I recently read this:faith is choosing to trust that God has a plan even when we cannot see it until we can one day look at it in reverse.
Thank you for praying!