Monday, April 23, 2007

Living More with Less

I am currently reading several books. Two of them are quite eye opening and I'd like to share about them with you a bit. The first is a book about clutter and how it affects our lives. It is helping me examine my clutter-why do I have it? Why do I continue to hang onto cassette tapes I haven't listened to in oner 15 years? Why is that book, that I will probably never reread still on the shelf? How about the many winter coats? Why do I need more than 1, or even 2? what about the outgrown clothing I will not fit into for a long time, and when I do, they will be so old and out of style I won't wear them anyway.

The other book is called Living More with Less. I have just started it but it is examining some of the same issues. It is really making me think and causing me to really regret some past spending decisions. Over the past year or so, I can see that Shannon's and my spending habits have changed a lot but I know we still have a long way to go. I wish to share with you a quote that is in the front of the second book as food for thought. Spend some time thinking on it and let me know your thoughts on it if you wish.

"When someone steals a man's clothes we call him a thief. Should we not give the same name to one who could clothe the naked and does not? The bread in your cupboard belongs to the hungry man; the coat hanging unused in your closet belongs to the man who needs it; the shoes rotting in your closet belong to the man who has no shoes; the money which you hoard up belongs to the poor.
-Basil the Great
Bishop of Caesarea, c. 365

Also, please pray for the family as I will be away from home for several days this week for a training for my work. Shannon has a big job ahead of him, keeping up with 5 children's schedules in addition to his own.


Qtpies7 said...

Ouch, not sure I like Basil the Great!
there has to be a balance in saving things for the future and not hoarding what the Lord will use elsewhere.
I struggle with things like maternity clothes and baby clothes. I may get pregnant in the future, but who really knows? Its in God's hands. It will save me lots of money to hold on to my clothes, but in the meantime someone else could be using them. And I know God will provide for me if I do have more children.

Anonymous said...

Mike Bickle says that it's HUGE (talkin' HUGE) when, in our thinking, dollars transfer from Stuff/bills/MINE to mean 'souls'. We need to seek God for that thought-heart transfer!

Lord, make us faithful & trustworthy to carry the burdens, desires and dreams of Your heart! Lord, when we look at money... let us see souls! May we have a giving heart just like You!

In Jesus' HOLY, Awesome name... Amen!

Love ya, Christine!
Jessie K.

yofed said...

It seems interresting... what is the title of the first book?

Christine said...

The name of the book is Clutter's Last Stand by Don Aslett. I reccomenend more the book More with Less though.