Thursday, April 19, 2007

Womens Ministries

Last night in the women's "coffee talk" group at church we talked about women's ministries. Since it is something that I believe I will be doing a lot of in Tanzania I was pretty excited to hear people's thoughts on it, although I am certain it will look much different there. My vision for our ministry in Tanzania includes a well ministry. In Mwanza, in Tanzania, in most of Africa, clean drinking water is hard to come by. I am hoping we will be able to have a well on the property where area women will be able to come to get clean drinking water. I have dreams of going each morning to meet with the women at the well, develop friendships and minister to them. I hope that through giving them water I can share with them the truth of Jesus Christ and what he has done for each one of them. Oh my, but I must get much better at my Swahili!

"Jesus said, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13-14

Our church is, in effect, revamping our women's ministries. Ideas that came up were many and it was agreed by all that for individual ministries within the umbrella each need a committed leader, someone who can't not do what they are doing, for it to succeed. One idea I had shared stemmed from my speaking engagement several weeks ago. Each month the women of that church have a ladies night out. It involves, praise and worship, a devotional and lots of food and fellowship. I have been the church librarian for 6? years at our church now and have been feeling a need to move into other avenues of ministry. I suppose God is preparing me for different things. This spring I facilitated a Beth Moore bible study-real hard by the way, I had to push play on the VCR. I am considering trying to head up ladies night out at our church if the leadership would approve. I would love to hear ideas from you that are reading. What are some things that are a part of your church's women's ministries? For those who do a type of ladies night out, what do you do during that time? How long does it last? How often? This is your chance I want to hear from you. Click on comments and speak to me!

1 comment:

Qtpies7 said...

We don't actually do the whole devo thing on Ladies Night, we just eat a ton and play and laugh and get to know each other better. I'm working on small groups for a more spiritual meeting, but the LNO is very non-Christian friendly, so we can form relationships without alienation.
Maybe we should do some sort of devotional, though. It is only women from our church so far.
We do a devotional on our monthly Moms group, and we had 4 new women attend this month, 2 I am fairly sure are not saved, and want to keep coming back.
The second Friday in May is our LNO, want to drive all the way here for it? LOL You could stay at my house.